The Cinch Group’s Business Development Associate!

Jon is the newest team member to The Cinch Group. He has taken on the role extraordinary well. Jon is responsible for onboarding clients, developing relationships and maintaining the client base. It is great to have Jon onboard and we can’t wait to see him grow!

1. It’s great to have you on the team! Why did you decide to join Cinch?

Cinch has been in the industry for nearly 10 years now, but gone relatively under the radar! I believe in the business strategy and will help in every way I can to grow brand awareness, deliver results and provide the highest level of service to clients and contractors alike.

2. Do you have any professional goals that you have set yourself?

We’ve got an exciting project ahead of us here, we’re already part of the APSCo Trusted Partner Network, and additional professional accreditations are planned. Watch this space!

3. Tell us something we would never guess about you …

I once worked for IKEA designing kitchens.

4. Have you ticked something off your bucket list? What was it?

I don’t really have a bucket list as such. I would love to cage dive with a great white shark though!

5. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an architect when I was younger, sadly not to be. But I did end up working in the design industry designing logos, brochures and literature for a few years.

6. Do you have a question for the next team member?

If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for and why?